We may practically know what the ‘GREEN ZONE’ is from our fellow US artillery forces in Iraq. It is the safest place for them over there. Just like that in the Tax Delinquent Investment business, you must too always know that SAFETY is of the utmost importance. You have to minimize financial death to the best of your abilities. Knowing how to secure yourself as well as your Tax Delinquent Investment letters of intent will help you reach your goals.

How do we secure our letters of intent then?

Securing our letters needs careful management in verifying the correct recipient and their mailing address. Getting those two things incorrectly will lead you to undesirable profit loss. Your letters will not make it to the right person if you get them wrong. It is a lost cause. We have to know how to prioritize and validate the key information that we should have about them from the research we have done and spreadsheet we have out together. For calls we receive, we should always verify the name of the caller. Find out if he or she is the tax delinquent property owner. We should also ask which state and county the property is situated at. Knowing the land area of the property will also help us define the property value of the tax delinquent investment property. Don’t hesitate to ask if there are any other properties in their possession they wish to let go of. You never know, they could be thinking of releasing a few of their properties, especially if they were on a brink of getting a divorce or have decided to settle in a different state. Identify the caller if he or she is the most suitable person to talk to regarding these properties. Verify if the property is under IRS lien, how long they owned it – if it’s recent or passed on, the back tax debts of the tax delinquent property and if it’s listed in a mortgage company. By following these steps, we maintain to stay in the “green zone”. It ensures that we are geared up and protected from Financial murder.

In conclusion, staying in the green zone takes care of our goals and interest for a successful tax delinquent investment deal. By securing our communication efforts with the sellers by means of verification and validation, it will ease up our efforts in closing the deal. It is our role and responsibility to be careful with our communications, such as our Tax Delinquent Investments. Securing our position in the Green Zone promises a bundle of Green Money for profit.

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