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Generally identifying if a property has a marketable title is basically making sure that there are no liens and that the ownership is very clean and clear. There is no hidden interest in the property or an old interest in the property. The owners...

Sure you can hire a title company to do a preliminary title search for you on the property that you are interested in buying. But I would NOT recommend it… because in most real estate investment cases where you have found a good price for...

When you do a title search basically what you are looking for is Marketable Title. Marketable title is really the absence of liens and clouds, the absence of IRS liens, and the absence of missing links in the chain of title. Missing links...

One real estate technique that is crucial when buying or selling Tax Delinquent real estate or any form of real estate for that matter, and that is determining real estate value. We all know that sellers are trying to sell their properties for top...

How to Buy Land 3   You’ve done your homework on what to look for in purchasing land. You’ve got your cash in hand. Now how do you find these properties? You’ve got numerous options. You can start by looking at the Multiple Listing...

I will personally be showing You exactly how to build a multi-million dollar real estate empire from the ground up. This workshop will be taking place at my headquarters located in Phoenix Arizona on January, 25th, 26th and 27th 2008. Do not miss this exclusive...

Building wealth trough real estate takes just a little determination, dedication and education. One very important aspect of real estate investing that you should educate yourself on is how to evaluate or appraise a property’s value. This is very important to understand since your profit...

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