Seller Financing Tag

Are Craigslist and eBay still good places for real estate investors to buy and sell property? I say, YES! But you need to know the right techniques and strategies to increase your visibility online and sell your properties fast, even in today’s market. One excellent way to broaden your market and increase your pool of buyers is to offer seller financing. Seller financing used to be much more common a few decades ago when interest rates were much higher, but it never went away totally and it’s making a come-back these days in our post-housing-bubble period. Offering seller financing means you, the owner, are acting in place of the bank – instead of a buyer going to a bank to get a traditional mortgage (which is hard for many people to do these days) – you, the owner work out payment terms with the buyer and effectively finance the deal yourself.

Have you tried talking to a bank about getting a loan lately? If not you should try and my guess is you will appreciate what I am about to share with you. It has gotten so difficult to get any kind of bank loan that many real...

As you buy properties using my three techniques of you will need to determine whether you want to sell them for CASH only or for TERMS, meaning with a loan which you carry back. Ideally you will find that you want to do a combination...

When selling a property you own and particularly a vacant piece of land most people only come up with 2 ways, either selling it through a Realtor or selling it as a FSBO, but in either case mostly they are only interested in selling...

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