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Postcards vs. Letters – or is there really a difference between the two when sending to a Tax Delinquent Owner?

Postcards vs. Letters – or is there really a difference between the two when sending to a Tax Delinquent Owner?

The choice between using postcards or letters to owners of tax delinquent properties depends on several factors. First you have to deal with your budget. How much can you afford to spend on a regular basis over a certain period of time? The owners of delinquent properties have the tendency to ignore these marketing materials until their back is against the wall or their property is in danger of foreclosure. Then, you have to consider the demographics of your target market. You have to consider how many properties are delinquent in their taxes in your market. You also have to find out the average household income of your market.

One of my students in my teleworkshop chose to send out postcards to owners of tax delinquent properties. He was sending about 150 postcards a week. And he was satisfied with the number of people responding to the postcard. The advantage of a postcard is that the recipient does not have to open up an envelop to read it’s contents, so it is a higher likelihood that they will read some of your text, but you have to make sure to write a very effective and persuasive attention getting header for the owner to read the entire message. Using letters are more professional and I actually like this method better. The owners seem to take you more seriously later on if you come across as professional as possible. This makes the sale transaction go much smoother in the end, so this is my preferred contact method.

So whatever marketing tool you are going to choose, make sure that it is not going to waste time or money. Bear in mind that the objective of sending out these marketing tools is to generate enough interest from the owners that they will call you.