10 Dec Right Questions, Right People
A list of tax delinquent properties is the hardest document to get from the county. Getting the list is necessary because without it, you will never know where to buy cheap properties. It is a challenge, often times, to find a county employee that will help you obtain the correct information.
Asking a series of questions will effectively lead you to the list because these county employees often will point your request to another person, who most probably has an answer.
Some typical responses you may get initially are, “sorry, we don’t have such list here,” “sorry, I do not know what you are asking,” “sorry, we do not have them right now,” such properties had just been sold,” “they are not delinquents anymore because we already have collected payments,” “all liens are sold.” Either the county employee does not understand or just really does not know or would not give you the list or is unmotivated to look for the list.
Either you recast your question (do you have the list of all property owners who have not paid their taxes, including those previous years) or ask another question (does your office know who are tax delinquent? do you know who does not pay taxes? Do you send them letters?).
Immediately ask questions like, “Who sends them letters? Who identifies those people who do not pay taxes?”). In such, these county employees will direct you to the right people who know your questions and will give you access to the list. They could be the assessor, treasurer, IT guy, recorder, documenter, clerk, the tax department officer or sometimes a sheriff department.
Just ask, ask a volume of questions, ask the right questions and you will get the list in time.
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