I am writing you today to share something that is close to my heart.
Over the last 7 years I have gone to a lot of Seminars of all kinds (Business Seminars, Internet Marketing Seminars, Self-improvement Seminars…), and over time and I realized something about me (and you) that I want to share with you today.
And ever since I realized this my life has changed.
I realized what the reason is that some people try to succeed and fail and others don't even try and succeed.
You see it hurts to see so many people around me struggling and in pain.
I see it in their eyes, I read it in their anger to each other when even the slightest thing goes wrong in their every day lives, and I literally feel it when I'm around them.
It affects me because I've been there.
I know what it's like to feel that sense of helplessness, dread, and fear. It's horrible.
And it only happens for one reason.
What holds people (including me) back from getting what they want, is their stories, beliefs, questions they ask themselves and principles they run their life by.
Everyone has stories, like the ones mentioned above.
And everyone constantly asks themselves questions, some of which are really scary like:
“What is it I'm supposed to be doing?”
“How am I going to get out of debt?”
“Am I capable of getting this done”
“Do I deserve Success in life”
“When will I ever find someone to love me?”
“This is all just too hard.”
“Why is my 5th Marriage still not working”
“I have got to stop eating Pizza. I weigh
500 pounds. This is getting dangerous.”
I've thought all these things and more. O.k. Except for that last Two
one although I did gain 40 pounds when I first got a job (back in my previous life)
but that is a completely different story.
The thing is you can change your stories and believes and I want to call this from now on your
“Mindset” if you just know which ones to make your new believes and principles.
I also realized in the last few months that I am really passionate about sharing the principles
and believes that bring abundance and success because that is what I experienced in the last 7 years
That's why I have set up a webinar to share with you my top 7 Success Principles.
Register here.
Date: Saturday, September 12th 2009
Time: 12:00 PM Pacific time (= 3PM Eastern Standard Time)
Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/902934971
You see before I stumbled upon these new principles (they are really age old) I had nothing but student debt and two suitcases.
Since I figured these out I have already created 3 Million Dollar Companies in the last 7 years,
Since I now fully understood the impact these Believes and Principles can have this also means for me that if I want to continue growing
I will have to drop some stories and believes (like I am too old, or too young, or not smart enough…)
and embrace new ones, bigger ones, that will open the skies to limitless possibilities.
Therefore, If you ever wondered why you are not as successful as others you consider
– not more intelligent
– with the same (or even less) resources)
– some of which might even be your brothers, cousins, best friends…
then you should not miss this special Webinar on
Wealth Mindset – Jack's 7 Principles of Success
Register here.
Date: Saturday, September 12th 2009
Time: 12:00 PM Pacific time (= 3PM Eastern Standard Time)
Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/902934971
We won't have any guest speaker or anything. It is just me and you.
In this Webinar I will lay out my personal most important 7 Wealth and Success Mindset Principles.
I use every day of the week and to which I credit most of my success.
These Principles have allowed me to create not only 1 Multi-million dollar business
but 3 (three), and two of them in the last 18 months while the economy was tanking.
But not only that.
These principles have also helped me create an (almost) Perfect marriage of now 8 years
that keeps getting better every day.
And it has provided me with relationships and friendships that I am blessed to have.
Once you understand these principles and internalize them into your identity,
You will be unstoppable and can create the same for you.
This is the true lesson I finally understood at the Tony Robbins Seminar
(even though the seminar was on health, go figure),
And now it is time for you to implement them or find your own principles
and finally break free of these internal “stories” you are telling yourself and which
unconsciously are running your life and holding you back.
Again here is the link to register
Date: Saturday, September 12th 2009
Time: 12:00 PM Pacific time (= 3PM Eastern Standard Time)
Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/902934971
See you Saturday
P.S. this will be a one time webinar that might not be repeated.