Don’t wait to give back to your community

Don’t wait to give back to your community

Once you have reached a certain level of success, the world expects you to give back. But I don’t think that you should wait until you are a billionaire to do so. I think that there is a lot that you can do right now.

I came across this website that lists 6 ways we can all give back to our communities. I especially liked number two:

2. Teach.

The best way to make a long-term impact is to help people help themselves. Ripert and his staff do cooking demos at City Harvest's mobile market. You can teach an organization to maintain its own website, or handle its bookkeeping, or create more effective outreach materials… charities are often the ultimate in bootstrapping. Anything you can help a charity, or the people it serves, do more efficiently helps their dollars go farther.

Volunteer your time. Volunteer the time of your team as well, but only during work hours. Giving should be voluntary, not mandatory.

How will you give back?

Read the whole article here:

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