Great Fortune that keeps on Coming Checking Tax Lien Properties after your Purchase

Great Fortune that keeps on Coming Checking Tax Lien Properties after your Purchase

After getting through the process of getting the list of properties, sending out letters to sellers, receiving phone calls from sellers, making the offers to sellers, and having your offer accepted, checking out the property is the next step. The reason is that, it is recommended that you take a closer look on your property. This is beneficial for you and your future plans for the property. Another reason is, you can put up a “for sale by owner” sign on the property, when you decide to put it back in the market.

Knowing the exact location and the full details of how to get there, what landmarks to look for will definitely be good when you decide it is time to cash in on your Tax Delinquent Investment. This will help your client, because not all of them are savvy enough to figure out locations.

Therefore, as soon as you have the chance, schedule yourself to go to different parts of the country. Take an actual look at some of the properties that you are buying in the different localities. Because it may be either a brand new area or you might want to get an update of how it looks now. Some areas have quite a bit of development going on. So, see to it that you are going to do this by yourself. Nobody can judge the worth of your investment better than you can. It is your money that’s at stake here.

Checking the properties starts in pinpointing the mapping system. Then Have a GPS coordinate system. Have a portable GPS Tracking device, as well. These are great tools in pinpointing properties to get the exact location of it. When you are in the vicinity of the actual property, take pictures. As what I have said in other articles, bring a pad of paper. Write the property name, location of the property and some markers that you find within the neighborhood. There could be a new strip mall, now, that was not there when you were still doing your research. When you are done writing your notations, take a snapshot of the property with the note visible. So, when you are done checking all the properties you will not get confused. At the end of the day download them in your computer, put them in systematic file folders. Name these folders according to the parcel numbers and keep it updated with dates. If you have time, keep the pictures in a word document and have it saved with the parcel number. So, in the future you will not have a hard time checking on the property anymore.

You are almost at the end of the rope where your investment is about to go LIQUID. Remember not to skip details that can greatly increase your profitability. Tax Delinquent Investing is a lucrative business but if you don’t do it properly and systematically, it all goes to waste. Having processes in place to ensure smooth operations from beginning to end will promise you great fortune that just keeps on coming.

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