Here are some legitimate ways to make a little seed money

Here are some legitimate ways to make a little seed money

I want you to be wealthy.

I honestly do.

I want you to stop worrying about your bills and to live the life that you and your family have always dreamed of. That’s why I have developed training programs, set up websites, organized seminars, and written books on the subject of wealth creation.

But sometimes the hardest step can be the first one. For example, how can you possibly think about investing if you are struggling from paycheck to paycheck? 

So obviously you will need to get some “seed money” to make your first investment. You can do this by combining several methods, including reducing expenses and working a little on the side.

In today’s post, I wanted to share a great website that I came across which list 50 ways that you can generate some seed money for your first investment. The website talks about reducing bills, making simple investments, renting out your belongings, and doing jobs on the side. The best part is that you can pick and choose the methods that work best for your circumstances.

Here is the website:

Let me know which methods you choose by leaving a comment in the section below!


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