A few months back, I sent a special presentation to members of my Gold Program, telling them how to be #1 in whatever niche or field they choose to work and invest in. You can get the full CD if you are a Gold Member you can get it by clicking here.
In the meantime, let me run down some of the main points.
While some competition shows that a business idea is valid, you want to make sure that people know you exist. If you are content to fly under the radar, then you are losing out on many business opportunities. For example (with real estate), people are more likely to go to the one whom they have heard about, not to an unknown player. So use a website and marketing campaigns to get the word out about yourself.
Using real estate again as an example (I love real estate) know how to identify the land owners who will sell to you cheaply. Learn the signs of people who don’t want their land and yet who haven’t received dozens of postcards from different investors. Short sales are not the way to go – way too much competition. But by sending just one letter to a refined list, I have experienced a 6-20% response rate, which has made me one of the biggest players in the Southwest.
Finally, get lots of experience under your belt. I have found that the price that I set for my real estate affects how many people are interested in it. Even setting it too low can make some people think that the land must have a problem, and when I doubled the price the next day I made the sale.
Being the #1 in your field can be done by following these principles:
1) Get the word out about you and your business
2) Identify the way to get the most results from your efforts
3) Get practical experience and learn what does and doesn’t work in your particular niche