How to Do a Title Search on Tax Lien and Tax Deed Properties

How to Do a Title Search on Tax Lien and Tax Deed Properties

When you do a title search basically what you are looking for is Marketable Title. Marketable title is really the absence of liens and clouds, the absence of IRS liens, and the absence of missing links in the chain of title.

Missing links in the chain of title could be for example when the original a person owned a property for 40 years and then passed away and his kids started paying the taxes and eventually they want to sell the property. Well if there was no probate or no will or anything like that, then there is no indication of who should receive this property. It might be that the deceased’s will was to give it to his church. It might be that he mentioned to somebody, “You know what, when I die you’ll get this property,” and this person might even have a witness. Nobody can prove anything and the only solution here is to have the heirs go through a probate procedure to clear the title. For that you or they will most likely need to hire an attorney and it will take a few months.

If you invest in such a property through a Tax Lien Sale, or buy the actual property at a Tax Deed Sale you don’t have to worry about that, on the contrary, if you find information prior to the auction that shows such an issue existing it is a Sign indicating to you that is property is more likely to go all the way to tax Lien foreclosure or all the way to the Tax Deed sale. If your investment strategy is to get the actual property, then that is a property you WANT to focus on.

Now just as a side note. Even if you buy Tax Delinquent Properties directly from the long time owners, some of my best deals came from situations like that. I bought a property in Florida where I paid for the Probate procedures having a written, legally binding commitment from the heirs to sell that property to me for around $350.00 after the probate was through. The probate cost me $2500.00 for a total cost of purchase of $2,850.00. Days later I sold the property for just under $30,000.00 CASH.

Probate issues do come up in the Tax Delinquent Property arena, but it’s usually quite easy to fix them. Most sellers were smart enough to buy a piece of land or a property or a house and take title as what is called joint tenants with right of survivorship. It means very simply that if there are two people on the deed and one of them passes away, the other one automatically owns 100% of the property. All that is needed to get the deceased party off title is to record a death certificate. But if a death certificate is not recorded, then the county does not know that that person has passed away, so therefore if the widow now wants to sell this piece of property, then there’s a cloud on title. If you buy it from her, you’re not going to have a clear title to sell until her spouse’s death certificate is recorded.

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  • Dale Schulz
    Posted at 13:28h, 30 April

    The Trust April 30, 2008
    507 280 9577 Fax 507 286 8600

    Greetins Jack,

    Jack thank you for this great break through this is exactly the focus this charitable mission has tried to crack, brake into, over the past few years.

    The mission is to set up country farms as natural healing and health centers outside of metro areas ranging from 20 to 90 miles from this cities. Raising much to all that is used and needed for the work of restoring people to health with the use of the God given restoring properties found in sunlight fresh clean negative ion charged air, 88 pounds in every 150 pound person, fresh pure water 70 to 90 % in parts and the entire make up of this perfectly designed body, temperance nothing bad into and in moderation all things good, exercise as in walking gardening , rest every hour before midnight is equal to two hours of rest after midnight. Well the 8 natural heath guidelines are simple nutrition exercise water air sunlight temperance rest and trust in God. The mission is very all embracing to every person and effectual in reality for the welfare and health of the lad animals and we the people. This will give purpose to the elders who will instruct, to challenged persons to work at their limit and grow back to usefulness and health thus providing some of the people needed to work together at each location to provide the needed help for the more critical health conditions and the minor ones also of all who will come needing restoration and education for the human mind body and restore the youthful vitality!

    Jack your well blessed and not in need of money as per your testimony this is a real blessing and testimony to the trial producing both character and love to assist your fellow man THANK YOU and the Lord leading you and using you to help many people.
    This mission is seeking and asking your business to consider the option of taking the tax deduction for the for the total vale of your service and product.
    Having a charitable tax deducibly nature, please pray about our need and consider the free life long health care and rejuvenation, whenever needed and for any type of health issue, we offer as the good consideration and with great value to you in the exchange.

    Also this mission work will to give within 6 to 12 months the full value to you as a gift so no expense need to reduce the gift.

    Jack thank you for playful consideration.

    Must a student start the first lesson or are there recording to allow catch up as time is so very valuable. Thank You!!!

    Sincerely Yours

    Dale Schulz mgr. agent

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