16 Jan How to Make 16% – 32% on Tax Liens
Most people teaching Tax Lien Investing or actually doing the investing believe that the only way to obtain a Tax Lien is by going to the actual auction in person and bid. This is still the normal procedure for most counties but what most people don’t know is a little hidden secret which allows anyone to get them from the comfort of your own home. All you need to have is a computer and access to the internet or in the worst case a stamp, a piece of paper and an envelope.
Just imagine what you could do if you would not have to travel to make money.
Technique #1:
More and more states and counties have already transferred their Tax Deed auctions onto the internet and now the Tax Lien States are following suit and doing the same with their Tax Lien Auctions. In Maricopa County, AZ (
Technique #2:
But even if you miss a state’s/ county’s live auction, there is still hope. You still can make extraordinary returns on your money with just the expense of mailing a letter.
Here is how this works;
Usually during a
You as an investor can now purchase these property liens outside of the auction at the highest interest rate available. All you need to do is request the most recent list of “Over the counter Tax liens from the county. If it is not available online, the county often can mail you a CD for a nominal charge or send you the actual list (you might not want to do that in a large county, because the county often charges $0.50 per page for the actual paper list.
Once you have the list all you need to do is select the properties you want, send the county a cashier’s check for the lien amount along with the Parcel ID/ Lien ID and your Bidder ID (which you can also get by mail or over the phone) and you are done. The county will then send you your Tax lien Certificates (TLC’s) by mail.
Now you just wait until the owner redeems the Tax Lien and you get your money plus a GREAT interest rate back and then you do it all over again. Or if the owner never redeems the Tax lien you have hit the Jackpot and can foreclose on it.
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