Uuuppss, Sorry that first version went out with some formatting problems.
Here it is again with all issues fixed.
O.k. I will make it short.
I have now been teaching my LandProfitFormula system
in one way or the other for a little over 1 year.
And I have heard droves of great stories from you guys.
Now I am in the process of creating a brand New Educational Training Product
And YOU can be part of it.
I am looking for a few Success Stories to built into my next program which will be
Seen by Thousands, even Tens of thousands.
But I don't just want to ask for your Success story or testimonial.
I want to Rewards you for it.
Therefore I have set up a Success Story Competition.
In exchange of one of your many Success Stories and permission for me to use it
In my upcoming program you can be the Winner of up to $2000 in cash and many
Other prices.
Plus of course you get a shot at getting your spot in the limelight.
Here is what I need you to do, and its very simple:
A. Submit your Success story to me and the top 5 success stories
will win one of the below prizes.
B. All you need to do is…
a. Take a short video and send it to me (For details on how to do that see below)
b. Or write something up and email it to me (jack@secretlandprofits.com
(Put the word “SUCCESS STORY” in the subject)
c. Or record your success story on Audio (see below)
and you can win prices of up to $2,000 in value
Please make sure that whichever format you send your success story to include:
– your full name
– Your Profession
– Where you live
What are the prices?
Here is the list of prizes we are giving away:
1. Your LandPRofitFormula Money back
(yes the person submitting the best Success story will get
your full tuition paid back (that is a value of up to $1997)
Plus 2 hours of One on One Consultation with me (on the phone or
if you live close by in person in my office)
2. A Full Six Months of Free Gold Membership, the internet's premier
PLUS 1 hours of One on One Consultation with me (on the phone or if you
live close by in person in my office)
You can use this all at once or in chunks as you need.)
3. Three months of Free Gold Membership Access
PLUS One 30 minute One on One Consultation with me
4. A $100 Dinner Certificate to a restaurant of your choice
5. A $50.00 dinner Certificate to your restaurant of choice.
PLUS, ALL 5 WINNERS will be featured in a Special Edition of my Newsletter, so you will be FAMOUS!!!
– Video is the best. You can shoot a simple video
with your Digital camera or if you have one with your
FLIP camera (www.TheFlip.com) any other Digital Video camera also works.
If you have a video you can:
– Burn it on a DVD and send it to PO Box 72540, Phoenix, AZ 85050
– Send it to Landforpennies@gmail.com using the free tools www.yousendit.com
– Audio is good too: If you want you can leave you success story at (214) 615-6505 ext 7642
– If you decide to leave an audio, please also send a picture of you to me
Any questions?
Call our office at 602-712-0175 or email to jack@secretlandprofits.com
(and make sure you put into the subject line “SUCCESS STORY” so we know to answer quickly.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
– Jack