Jack Bosch- Author of “Forever Cash” Announces Free Book Online Give Away

Jack Bosch- Author of “Forever Cash” Announces Free Book Online Give Away

As part of the launching of his new soon to be best-seller, Jack Bosch is making a limited number of copies of “Forever Cash” available online at no charge, and even includes Bonus items.

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, September 10, 2013, In an effort to spread the word about the launching of his new book, Jack Bosch will make “Forever Cash: Break The Earn-Spend Cycle, Take Charge of Your Life; Build Everlasting Wealth” available to a limited few at No Charge. The only cost is for shipping expenses, which is a minimal amount compared to what awaits within. When people go to www.forevercashbook.com for this Free Book Give Away, they will be delighted to learn that there are other items included as a Bonus.

This online promo features two great gifts. Those who sign-up for a free copy of the book will also receive 4 in-depth training videos. These videos are going to show people how to go from where they currently are, to Forever Cash Wealth. All without quitting their job or cutting coupons, and without having to risk life savings. They will also have access to a personalized Forever Cash Assessment, which will reveal where they are on the Forever Cash chart, and what areas of their life they should focus on most to get to “everlasting wealth – the Forever Cash way”.

Here is an excerpt from “Forever Cash”, “There is a difference between those who make a great deal of money and those who have built lasting wealth. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even take much money to create lasting wealth, but it requires seeing the world from a different angle and in a different light.”  The book explains why a paradigm shift is necessary in the way people think about making money. It will explain in detail the new way of thinking to gain financial independence.

Jack Bosch has single-handedly taken on all of the so-called “Financial Freedom Gurus” and their one-sided advice, and has put together a very doable system anyone can use to convert Active Income into forever lasting cash flow that will bring lasting financial independence to the person applying it. He reveals his secret methodology of finding these assets, and even explains how to use the system to raise funds part time, outside people’s jobs in order to take full advantage of the “Forever Cash” philosophy. The main idea behind the “Forever Cash” method of wealth creation is a clear understanding of the difference between what the author calls “one-time cash”, “temporary cash”, and “Forever Cash” and how each of these is generated. It is not necessary to break the bank to try the system. Debt can be cleared without having to cut-up the credit cards.

For complete information, visit: Limited Time “Forever Cash” FREE Book Give Away

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