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What is a real estate investing club? These are organizations of people who are interested in meeting together to find the best real estate investing opportunities. In most cases these clubs do not pool their resources to make investments but exist more for networking, exchanging ideas and tips and entering into deals with each other to find and execute successful real estate investment opportunities. Often, these clubs might have workshops or some kind of training that can help people who are just starting real estate investing. It’s easy to find real estate clubs online in your area. Make sure to attend a few meetings before you commit to anything and, if possible, see if there’s anything about the group online that you should be aware of. But mostly, make sure you have a good sense of these people. It should feel right.

Most people know about going to Tax Lien and Tax Deed auctions and consider these to be the only two ways you can make money investing in Tax Delinquent Properties?   However this like saying that putting a fishing rod with a fly into the sea is...

Happy new year!! 2011 is the year that will Rock your World. That is if you are willing to give the World a nice big Push. You see, you have to help your own luck. It has been said that "Good Luck favors the prepared mind" And it makes sense. It seems like some people always run into the best opportunities. Well, not so. It's just that they know it when they see a good opportunity.
I just did a webinar with Scott Meyers, national Self Storage Expert. Watch it here [hana-flv-player video=" 18.00 Self Storage __ Commercial Real Estate_s HIDDEN Cash Cow_JB Web Preset.flv" width="500" height="360" description="" player="3" autoload="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" autorewind="true" /]

Join Jack and Scott as an Self Storage Investor

This will only be available until Monday 5:00 pm Pacific time. So watch it now so you don’t miss out. If I were to tell you that I am going to be adding something else to my Real Estate Investments in addition to Land and Little Rental houses, would you believe me?

Wow, I just finished up Jack Bosch Live seminar. Everyone walked out feeling 10 feet tall and bulletproof (that's at least what they told me) and now I am taking my family on a 1 week vacation to Florida. One of the things that struck...

You gotta check this out. A few good friends of mine just decided to donate the blueprints of their entire real estate investing business model to the human race. Want to be a recipient? Click Here To Get It And Go => People are saying that it's better than any...

The results of the Success Story competition I announced several weeks ago are finally in.

We received a TON of Great success stories and selecting the ones that are the best was not easy. I used a very specific and scientific way to select and rank them. ME !!

To see all 5 of the Prized Success Stories Click here (Link over to Testimonial Page)

O.k. here are the results (Drum roll...)

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