11 Jul The importance of fewer and shorter meetings
What do you think one of the primary complaints is that employees make about their bosses? Believe it or not, many employees feel that their bosses schedule too many meetings (an average of 4 hours per week) and that those meetings are largely unnecessary and kill productivity.
If you are a boss, is that true in your case?
Here is a tip from linkedin.com about meeting length:
Do you really need 60 minutes to address the topic at hand? Before you schedule your next meeting, pay attention to the amount of time you block off. Allotting an entire hour for a meeting may lead your attendees to fill the entire time slot just for the sake of it.
Try reducing the length of your meetings to 30 minutes or less. Stay on schedule by always beginning at the stated time, regardless of whether everyone has arrived, and end the meeting on time, even if you haven't completed your agenda.
Following this advice can keep your workers happier and more productive.
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