The Leadership Potential equation

The Leadership Potential equation

Here is a great breakdown of the traits leaders should possess:

The Leadership Potential equation was developed by Raymond Cattell, who was a pioneer in the field of personality assessment, in 1954. This equation, which Cattell based on a study of military leaders, was later used to determine the traits of an effective leader.

Among the basic traits of an effective leader is emotional stability. Good leaders need to be able to tolerate stress and frustration. They must be well-adjusted and have the psychological maturity to deal with anything they may face as part of their job.

Leaders also need to be competitive and decisive as well as to enjoy overcoming obstacles. Leaders' thinking style and attitude in dealing with others need to be assertive. Effective leaders are active, expressive, and energetic, as well as quick, alert and uninhibited. Optimism and openness to change are also traits of an effective leader.

Other basic traits of an effective leader are a sense of duty and exactitude. Effective leaders have a high standard of excellence and an inward desire to do their best. They also tend to be self-disciplined and have a need for order.

Effective leaders are spontaneous risk-takers. They are socially aggressive and thick-skinned, while also being responsive to others and high in emotional stamina. Good leaders are logical, practical and to-the-point. They are low in sentimental attachments and very poised, as well as comfortable with criticism and insensitive to hardship.

Other common traits among leaders are self-confidence and resiliency. Leaders have to be free of guilt and have little or no need for approval. They also need to be secure and unaffected by prior mistakes or failures. Effective leaders are controlled and precise in their social interactions, while also being protective of their integrity and reputation. They are also socially aware and careful, abundant in foresight and very careful when determining specific actions or making decisions.

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