Blog Post

Hello all, and welcome to Passive Income 101 – Session #8. No matter how you slice it, a key part of using the internet to create passive income is maintaining an updated blog. A blog is like a newspaper where you are both the writer and the editor. You determine the message. But instead of being a chore, a blog can be a great way to let people know about whatever product it is that you are selling. You can share updates, introduce yourself as a person, and build loyalty in a way that no other platform offers. 
Jeff Bezos has become a household name since his online business took off. Originally set up as a place for folks across America to buy books, in recent years it has become a big promoter of digital reading and media, a place to sell anything to anyone. Jeff was not born into a rich family, so how did he end up sitting on top of the publishing world? As part of our series “What can we learn from…?”, let’s look at three lessons we can learn from the life of Jeff Bezos, founder and C.E.O. of 
One of the most popular posts that I have put up on my blog recently is about creating passive income using rental property. Because that information really hit home for a lot of my followers, I thought that today I would follow up a little on that post. So what sorts of things should you keep in mind when deciding to become a landlord? Let’s crunch some of the numbers so that you have a realistic idea. 
In a previous post, I talked about call and put options, and how these can be used to make you some money in the stock market. Before we talk about straddles, let’s review calls and puts. Call Options: When you think that a stock is going to rise in price, you can enter into a special arrangement with anyone who holds that stock (including a broker). Basically, you sign a contract (called an “option”) which will give you the right to purchase the stock at a certain price – known as the “strike price”. In order to get the option signed, you must pay the seller a non-refundable “premium”. 

Investing in the stock market can be a great source of one time cash. Whether you use put and call options or simply buy low and sell high, you can make some quick cash if you are willing to take on a moderate amount of...

The other day, I led a high-level wealth and real estate investing seminar. Once I explained the concepts of Forever Cash and the Wealth Wheel to them, one of the attendees, a wonderful school teacher from Idaho, came up to me during the lunch break and said: “Jack, I absolutely love my job. It is all I ever dreamed about, yet it doesn’t pay what I need to be able to retire in style. I have seen my parents retire, lacking a lot of things, and I want to make sure I don’t repeat that for myself. So, I need to quit my job and find something else to do that pays more.” After I asked her a few questions, here was my answer:
As part of our series “What can we learn from…” this week I wanted to talk about Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computers and all around nice guy. With a current net worth of $17.6 billion, his has become a household name, and chances are that you have owned at least one of his products at some point. But what can we learn from his as far as business skills go? Let’s look at three lessons from the life of Michael Dell. 
The stock market can be a great way to make some one-time cash. One-time cash in itself isn’t anything to write home about, but it can serve as seed money that can fund future investments. Most people think that stocks take too long to make money and that the only way to make a quick buck is by taking big risks. Well, as is the case with any investment, the stock market carries a certain amount of risk with it. But a few years back Forbes shared some basics about investing in two kinds of options: puts and calls. Here are some highlights from the article: 
How can you stay motivated on the path to financial independence? You have to try hard not to destroy all the good you have done by reverting to old habits, but you need to feel that you have accomplished something and even now are reaping the benefits of all your hard work. So why not consider rewarding yourself from time to time?
When you are trying to create cash producing assets, you can either choose to build one from the ground up yourself or to simply purchase an asset from another person. There are a whole host of things to consider when deciding whether or not to invest in a particular business. In this article, we will focus on how to determine the value of a business; in other words: how much should you be willing to pay for any given business? 
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