31 May Why is it Better to Focus on Land Rather Then Houses When it Comes to Real Estate Investing?
If you follow the investing techniques that I use daily, you will make money, lots of money! There is little to no competition in land investing, especially rural land. I have found a way to track down owners who are not paying their taxes and that are most likely to sell the land for cheap, and I use mass marketing techniques to contact them with letters websites, posters, and postcards to contact people before a property even is scheduled for a count tax lien or tax deed auction. If the owners are interested in selling they contact me back and we go from there. To learn how You can obtain these valuable contact lists, visit http://landforpennies.com/secretsrevealed.htm
Many people will not get into the tax lien property investing because they make up there mind that all properties that are tax delinquent are run down or is a junk property that is not buildable. There are some junk properties out there, however if you can get a property from someone contacting you before it is scheduled to go to the auction you have enough time to do your due diligence to determine the value of the property.
And if you buy this way you not only get a good property for a cheap price you also a fee and clear title, which helps you to sell the property faster and for maximum profits. My way of investing is so low risk.
Land is the ticket
I basically focus on land rather than houses. There is an abundance of forgotten land out there to purchase for literally pennies on the dollar. With land you also do not have to know as much about real estate like construction, termites, mold and all the other things of that nature that you must know when investing in houses. There is virtually no competition for land; I am usually the only one who is interested in the land as most want houses. I’m convinced that there is enough land for everyone to profit from. This is the reason I am so happy to share my secrets. Now you should do little research to make sure you are not buying a junk property. These checks are easy to do yourself and since your buying before the tax lien or tax deed auctions you will have plenty of time to do all your checks.
For more information on how I have been successfully investing in land for years now, visit http://landforpennies.com/secretsrevealed.htm
Make sure you work with escape clauses. If a deal turns out to be bad and you need to get out, never put money down on it. Make sure that your purchase contract is worded in such a way that it allows you to only transfer cash at the time of closing. If I decide I do not want it, then I back out because my contract allows me to do so, any time for, any reason. The seller however, is bound by the contract and it is difficult for them to get out of it.
I’ll show you exactly how I invest go to
http://landforpennies.com/secretsrevealed.htm Now!
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