Blog Post

This week I am talking about the importance of building a good team to help you reach your financial goals. I already mentioned the importance of adding a lawyer to your roster, so let me go into a little bit of detail about title companies.
Last week on my blog, I shared some advice for reaching higher levels of success. Tip #11 was: “Recognize the power of association and surround yourself with people who will elevate you, not people who will drag you down. Build a professional team to help you do your deals.”
Getting the word out about your parcel can feel pretty overwhelming during your first few deals. Your first instinct might be to pay a company to do the work for you, and while eBay and can get help get your ad in front of lots of eyes, if you are working with a limited budget then it might be worth your while to look at the low-cost and free options for advertising your land.
At my live events, I try to help my students think beyond making money. While it’s true that I go over various real estate investment techniques, I also try to help them see the bigger picture: making money is just one part of their lives. Being truly successful isn’t about the size of their bank accounts; it’s about the kind of person that they strive to be.
When you are trying to sell a piece of real estate, you don’t want to wait a long time to close the deal – especially if you are paying property taxes in the meantime. So let’s go over some paid methods for getting the word out about your real estate.
This week on my blog, I’m talking about how best to sell your real estate quickly. On Monday I covered the importance of making even small improvements, and today I’ll be talking about using pictures to help people better visualize what you are offering.
This week on my blog, I will be sharing tips for marking your real estate to ensure quick flips and more profit. After all, you don’t want holding costs (like property taxes) to take money out of your pocket. And holding on to a piece of real estate that you want to sell can slow down your momentum and even cause you to lose focus.
As you make more and more deals, I want you to put your hard-earned money to work for you. That means taking parts of your earnings to have a little fun and to pay down some debt and then using the rest to make investments towards your future.
As 2014 draws to a close, I want to ask you a question: was this year everything that you wanted it to be? Did you accomplish the goals that you had set for yourself and are you in a better financial position today than you were one year ago?
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